Pitch a Story
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the DeSoto Tribune. We value the insights and information provided by members of our community. If you have a news tip, story idea, or suggestion that you believe deserves coverage, please use the form below to submit your information. Our editorial team will review your submission, and if deemed newsworthy, we may follow up for further details or include it in our coverage.
News Tip or Story Idea: Please provide a brief summary of your news tip or story idea. Include any relevant details such as who, what, when, where, why, and how.
Additional Information (Optional): Feel free to provide any additional context or details that may help us understand the significance of your news tip.
Terms and Conditions: By submitting this form, you acknowledge that the information provided is accurate to the best of your knowledge and consent to the DeSoto Tribune potentially using your news tip or story idea for editorial purposes. You also agree to be contacted by our editorial team for further clarification if necessary.
Thank you for your contribution to the DeSoto Tribune. We appreciate your support in helping us provide timely and relevant news coverage to our community.